
Every artist will tell you that with each final piece of artwork comes with a story; each piece with its own story, its own version of how life became. And it is with this knowledge that Ceet presents to you this collection of his pieces of art, all and each a portrayal of a fraction of a time in his life with their own happenings independent from one another. This is the world that Ceet created for himself and in turn nurtured and introduced into our world, making it possible for us to not just imagine his creative world but to take part in it, marvel in it and thus making it a part of our own creative world.

World-renowned Graffiti artist, Ceet (pronounced “Cee-tee”), is originated from the art scene in Toulouse, a town in south of France. Born in Algeria on the border to Morocco, he has been seduced by transforming letters and colors from his early childhood years.

All to create a new design, his own world, he has shared his vision of graffiti and design to shake up the way we think and look at design and graffiti.

Ceet ‘s work appears in prestigious brands like Prada, Ecko Unlt, Adidas…

He has opened up to new projects. Always in search of perfection, he is experimenting his talents with complex pieces. All mediums are approached, from murals, to canvas as well as creating his own street wear brand (El Camion). Traveling throughout the globe, Ceet is installing himself as a true talent.

Murals have become the most important part of his production and the focal point of his talent.

Since 2003, he’s been very active in China with divers exhibits, events and artistic performances. Advertising firms have also called on his talents. Whether it’s for commissioned murals or an exhibit, Ceet stays busy on various continents.

His style reflects his energetic personality and his Graff world. The approach is based on a play of colors and wild style lettering; you could define it as a mechanical yet sophisticated designing style.

From his start with murals, Ceet has multiplied and created new outlets with his various talents, with one goal to create, produce and paint…

Eager to share and let the public discover his world, he’s currently considered among the leaders of the French Graff movement.

Version Francaise :

Fouad Ceet, artiste graffiti d'origine marocaine, né en 1971, Il passa son enfance à Toulouse ; très tôt il montra des aptitudes pour le dessin et les couleurs, et dès la fin des années 80, il a choisi le graffiti comme unique activité et approche les différentes techniques picturales, notamment le dessin et la calligraphie. Autodidacte, Ceet a su développer un style propre à lui, un mélange de 3D, d’abstrait et de figuratif. En 2002 Ceet a l'opportunité de se former en peinture à l'huile et à la sculpture. Cette nouvelle méthode enrichit son travail actuel de nouvelles possibilités.

Utilisant différentes techniques de peinture, il a su se détacher par son style et ses techniques des autres artistes graffiti.
Aussi sculpteur et designer, Ceet a réalisé des partenariats avec de grandes marques comme Adidas, Prada, Lancel...
Ceet a participé à de nombreuses expositions comme la Biennale d’Art Contemporain de Hong Kong, Lyon, expose au Musée d'Art Contemporain de Vienne, Musée du Centre National Jean Jaurès (Castres/FRANCE), etc... Quelques unes de ses œuvres ont été acquises par le Musée d'Art et Traditions Populaires de Paris.
Après avoir fait le tour du monde et peint des murs et trains dans les 4 coins de la planète, Fouad Ceet a décidé de s’installer en Chine où il trouve une grosse partie de son influence actuelle. Ceet a aussi décidé de promouvoir son art qu’est le graffiti en Asie. Son seul but étant de peindre et de créer en utilisant l’espace public pour s'exprimer avec ou sans permission.

Chinese Version:

Ceet Fouad, 領導世界塗鴉藝術的當代藝術家,亦是天生的娛樂家,擅長把身邊事物透過藝術演繹成活生生的故事呈現于觀眾眼前,帶給人們無限驚喜與歡樂。




二零零三年,Ceet離開法國選擇到中國繼續分享他的藝術才華與熱誠。自那年起,他一直活躍於中國各種類型展覽、藝術專案及美術演出牌如 Hainan RendezVous 2011 Le French May,受多個廣告公司和生活藝術品牌賞識,如今他已成為多個國際知名品牌如Adidas, Airbus, Ecko, Loewe, Moiselle以及Prada的藝術大使。